Monday, March 31, 2008

Baby want protein. Hubby was pleased when I ate an extra helping of ham with Easter dinner. Meat is slowly coming back into the house. Luckily my grocery store has started carrying organic meat. I am cooking one meat meal a week.

I am also eating organic cheese and eggs. Eating this way is more expensive, but it is healthier. A small brick of organic cheese costs only slightly less than the large rectangle of cheese I used to buy. This means I use less cheese. I am drinking rice milk, even though I find it very sweet. It's good with cereal in the morning and before bed.

Organic eggs are pricey too. I think we are going to get chickens this year. Thus endless supply of eggs. I doubt it will be cheaper than buying eggs at the store, but at least I will be able to control what they eat. Lets hope our cholesterol doesn't shoot through the roof because of this.

I read labels like crazy. Who knew that canned soup had so much MSG? I was able to find a few varieties that didn't have any. I haven't been in the mood to make my own soup, so picked up a few cans to tide me over.

Soon the snow will be gone, and I will be able to start planting. I can't wait to harvest vegetables again. I plan on having a freezer full of organic veggies for the winter.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

This story made my stomach turn. A floating dump the size of two United States? That is gross.

The worst part is most of the garbage sinks, this poor planet.